Super Hamster Lore
Ancient and powerful, Houjin is a master of nearly every form of unarmed combat. He has mastered his Ki energy and is able to project ki blasts, enhance his physical attributes and redirect enemy attacks.
His signature ability is called Rivers of Green. Firing eight large, winding beams of energy simultaneously that each can track the enemy and follow their movements.
He has been imprisoned for over 900 years by the Sinless Verdict and has bided his time, waiting for the opportunity to escape and finally have his revenge.
Huojin was once a lowly farmer that grew tired of his mundane life. He set out to learn martial arts and to prove to himself that he was meant for more than tilling fields and harvesting grain. Huojin was an exemplary student and relentlessly trained, quickly mastering it and exceeding his master’s skills. He soon left and traveled the world learning various martial arts, each one he learned making him more and more arrogant. Eventually he believed himself to be a god amongst men and used his skills to garner a following of students that he used to take over the city he grew up in. Not satisfied, Huojin stormed the palace of the emperor and challenged his rule. The emperor’s guard attacked Huojin but he made quick work of them. The emperor ran Huojin through but to his surprise it had no effect on Huojin, the man smiled gleefully, pulling the blade from his chest and used his signature attack on the emperor, killing him with a dazzling display of power.
Huojin took control of the empire and began to conquer neighboring nations. The Sinless Verdict watched him over the years and saw his power was becoming too much, if left unchecked he could conquer the planet. This was not acceptable, The Sinless Verdict confronted him and after an epic battle imprisoned him in the Hold for the safety of the Adama 5.
Adama 5
The setting of most of Super Hamster’s Comic Book Universe.
A planet filled with massive cities, heroes, villains…and some hamsters.
Adama 5 is a small earth like planet in the Andromeda system. The moons, Ciaran and Sorcha, orbit Adama 5 which orbits a yellow dwarf star called Adama Solis. Adama 5 is the 5th planet from Adama Solis and the only planet in the region capable of sustaining life that we are aware of.
Muun Stone
Muun Stone is a peculiar blue-green stone discovered by it’s namesake Dr. Alfred Muun. It is incredibly rare only being found in one location on Adama 5. The inside of the stones resembles another world complete with mountains and oceans. Muun stone’s existence has been kept a secret and Dr. Muun has used its perpetual energy generating properties to power advanced androids indefinitely, it is also being used to power anti mutant technology created by Morhall Enterprises. The stone is thought to have been brought to Adama 5 via meteorite though its origins are still unknown.
Arthur P. Dorman
Arthur P. Dorman is a cosmic horror writer and novelist.
He resides in the city of Oakwood.
Many people believe that Arthur fakes being plagued by horrifying visions in an attempt to garner buzz about himself and his books.
HIs works include “C’thrax, Risen”, “The Ocean’s Awakening”, “The Death of Hope”, “What Lies in Shadow” Check out some Excerpt reading videos below!
Arlan Devos: The Magistrate
Arlan Devos is a the leader of a group of four other mutants known as the Order of The Magistrate who along with Arlan work under supervision of the Mutant Enforcement.
Arlan’s mutation grants him incredible strength and the ability to fly.
Before his mutation took hold Arlan was a hoodlum and small time gang member, Arlan’s drive to become the strongest person around quickly distanced him from the other gang members and he left to pursue a career in MMA style arenas. He became proficient in many martial arts.
Arlan quickly made a name for himself and fought his way to the top of the rankings. A week before his fight with the reigning champion, Darius Knull, Arlan’s mutation kicked in and his strength multiplied exponentially. He found he could now fly and lift things that most mutants could never dream to lift. This revelation turned sour when he was disqualified from the MMA and his titles stripped away from him due to his mutant abilities.
Arlan went out into the world trying to find a purpose when he saw a hero by the name of Perfectchin on the news. The reporters and civilians gushed over the man’s strength and heroics. Arlan took this as a sign and signed up to become a member of the M.E.
Arlan is growing near the top ranks and has no plans to stop rising any time soon.
Name: Collin Sera
Alias: Maverick
City: Malopolis
Age: 19
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Skin Tone: Tan
Eye Color: Gold
Height: 5ft 5
Musculature: Lean
Features: Dragon Tattoo on shoulder, Cross Tattoo on left side of ribs
Hair Length: Long
Hair Style: Straight
Hair Color: Blue
Clothing: Custom black flight suit with armored pads on the joints and a High tech helmet with a v shaped visor.
Weapons: N/A
Mutations/Skills: Incredible psychic power.
Signature Attack/Ability: Mind Bullets
Nemesis/POI: T.H.R.E.E. (Deceased) and Gemstone.
Allies: Main Cast.
Dream Counterpart: N
Collin Sera was born in the Malopolis City Hospital with a life threatening heart condition, his mother suffered extensive bleeding and died during delivery.
Collin's father, Roy Sera, an ex pilot, raised him the best he could at explaining his mother's sacrifice, taught him not to blame himself, instilled in him a strong set of morals and when his psychic powers developed he taught him to control them.
Collin caught a lot of flak in school for all of the kind things he would do, going out of his way to help other kids and donating his time to charities.
Collin talked to his father, telling him that he wanted to use his psychic powers to stop the bullies. His father listened and explained to him that they were just jealous that they couldn't bring themselves to do the same things and to ignore them.
Collin tried his best but one day one of the bullies attacked him, hitting him in the head several times.
Collin reacted, using his psychic power to stop the bullies fist in mid punch. Staring the boy dead in the eye, Collin spat blood on the floor then released his hold on the boys fist. The boy ran away, afraid and no one ever bothered him again, although they still talked about him behind his back.
He graduated without another incident and his father pushed him to go to college to become a doctor.
Collin hated the idea, he wanted to help people but in a different way, he wanted to fight crime with his powers and protect the people before they needed a doctor. His father didnt like the idea but he supported him, going so far as to spend his life savings on a helmet that would help keep him safe and gave him his old flight suit for some added protection.
They came up with the Alias "Maverick" together, remembering an old kids cartoon called Adama Defenders in which the main character was named Maverick. After that Maverick went out each night to fight crime and keep the city safe.
When Maverick was 18 a powerful robot called T.H.R.E.E. was going around killing heroes, it had armor and weaponry that would adapt to the enemies attacks.
When it arrived in Malopolis Maverick took it head on, ignoring his father's pleas. Large parts of city blocks were leveled in the ensuing battles and hundreds of people died. Maverick finally got an upper hand and dealt the killing blow, piercing its power source with his Mind Bullets. Maverick was left in awe at the devastation that he created, the lives lost in the battle, the lives he was fighting to save.
Alias: Perfectchin
Real Name: Kevin Barry
28 years old
City: New Salesville
Flight, speed, strength and enhanced durability.
Kevin grew up in a poor family with an abusive father and in his early years he became a bully, taking out his feelings of helplessness on the weak and helpless. A boy named Li Feng attracted most of his ire, the boys small stature and meek demeanor a perfect target.
When his mutation kicked in at the age of 16 Kevin became incredibly powerful and as fate would have it the very next day Li came to school with a pistol. The boy approached Kevin and unloaded the gun’s entire clip, aiming for his head and torso. Shots rang throughout the school as kids and teachers fled. Li collapsed to the ground as one of the bullets ricocheted and caught him in the leg. When he dared look up he saw bullet holes in his clothes but no blood, no pain in his eyes, there he still stood, shaken but alive and undamaged.
Kevin was shaken by the attack. A realization struck him like a lightning bolt. He had caused this boy to suffer so much that he was willing to kill him. He was willing to give up the rest of his life at a chance to put an end to his bully, to him.
Li limped over to Kevin and began beating his fists into his chest, over and over, screaming profanities and curses at the top of his lungs. Kevin stood paralyzed in silent reflection of his actions, the weight crushing his sense of self as Li’s knuckles cracked and shattered against his steel like skin. Only when Kevin was covered in Li’s blood did the boy stop.
Li fell to his knees, blood running down his arms and spattered on his face. His body shook and bones ached. He fumbled with the gun, loading a single bullet in its chamber and raised it to his temple.
The shine of the barrel caught Kevin’s attention, driving his thoughts back to the present moment and in one quick action he snatched the gun from Li’s hand, crushing the gun in the process.
Not long after the police arrived and took Li into custody after which he was taken to Gothenburg Asylum to help treat his mental illness. Kevin gave Li a regretful smile as he was taken away (which li interpreted as a devious smirk) Kevin changed after that, he began to help people, fighting to make the world a better place.
Over the years he’s gotten really good at fighting crime and has crafted himself a persona of a vintage superhero complete with corny catchphrases. Kevin constantly restrains himself in every aspect of his daily life to minimize damage to others and their property.
Perfectchin began as a parody of Superm*n but evolved into a homage to the titular character’s message of Hope.
The Primes
A group of villains dedicated to taking over Adama 5 and stopping the constant growth into the environment, it is lead by a super powerful mutant with a god complex that goes by the moniker “Limitless” (Name has changed since the design) with powers comparable to Perfectchin. He is an expert manipulator and has used this skill to form his team. He wears a gold and teal suit with a gold cape.
The 6 other members are powerful in their own right.
Limitless’ right hand is Invictus Rex, an immortal warrior from ancient times whose body can recover from mortal wounds and even decapitation. He is a former gladiator, and loves the thrill of battle, he joined Limitless with the promise to restore his old home. He wears a green and yellow suit of armor with a blue cloth underlayer.
Revenant is a mutant who can tap into the dark realms of magic, her body is nearly invulnerable to all forms of physical trauma and she can siphon the life force of enemies she touches. She wears a green and purple body suit, her skin is blue. Revenant was born with a connection to the dark realms and this connection has given her insight into humanity’s darkest desires, leading her to Primes and their cause.
Ia’koam is even more ancient than Invictus and was cursed by a witch while trying to save his home. Ia’koam is a powerful ent whose body constantly emits a skin searing miasma. His body is highly durable and he is incredibly strong. Ia’koam’s desire is to rid Adama 5 of the people that constantly encroach into the forests and destroy his people’s habitat.
Wildheart “Lord of the Wilderness” can speak to and command animals, has super human strength and the ability to jump long distances. He wears the skull of a large elk, his clothes are green and yellow and are made from hemp. Wildheart is mute and speaks with animals through telepathy. Wildheart grew up in the forests outside of Geopolis and in his younger years deforestation cleared most of the trees and wildlife from the area, forcing him and the local wildlife out. He has dedicated his life to stopping deforestation and preserving the habitats of the species that live there.
Tidehunter carries hooked blades similar to large fish hooks and wears a red and yellow suit with a fish bone mask over his mouth. He can manipulate water and swim at incredible speeds. He joined the primes due to the constant waste dumping that takes place outside of his home city of Mattan Peninsula. Tidehunter is aggressive and single minded.
Pterror is a vicious Pterodactyl feraline. He can fly at incredible speeds, has heightened strength and agility and wears a suit with high tech gadgets in it. His body is red, with long, thin wings. His suit is grey and black with blue accents. Pterror has a small empire of molemen that work for him, creating gadgets, collecting intel, committing crimes and the like. Pterror joined the Primes simply to get rid of his criminal empire’s competition.
Pete Tyrdact Aka Pterror
Pterror is a vicious Pterodactyl feraline. He can fly at incredible speeds, with his highest speed being Mach 6. Pterror has heightened strength and agility and wears a high tech suit designed to withstand the abuse of his incredible speed. His body is red, with long, thin wings. His suit is grey and black with blue accents.
Pterror has a small empire of molemen that work for him, creating gadgets, collecting intel, committing crimes and the like. Pterror joined the Primes simply to get rid of his criminal empire’s competition and to have a scapegoat if anything falls through.
Aalto Assan
Mutant rumored to be born of Aramataj, a legendary city beneath the ocean, though he was born in Gothenburg General Hospital Tidehunter can control and create water. His skin is covered in a layer of scale that increases his durability and allows him to spend indefinite amounts of time below the water so long as he has a source of air. Tidehunter’s suit is equipped with a water to air device that removes the hydrogen atoms from the H20, effectively allowing him to breathe underwater. This device resembles gills on the sides of his suit and runs through tubes to the mouth piece he wears that resembles a shark’s jaws. He can also swim at incredible speeds due using high tech propulsion boots.
Tidehunter joined the Primes as a way to fight back against the encroachment and defilement of the waters by the surface dwellers. He is single minded and highly aggressive to any one does not share his cause.
An ancient and evil blade said to drive its wielders to profane and vile acts of barbarism.
The blade’s original owner Alakoa was a twisted and vengeful god whose purpose was abandoned long ago to a brooding hatred of life.
Alakoa bided his time and learned the dark magics of spirit flame. When he had learned all he could Alakoa ambushed Tamank, God of Souls and used Spiritflame to sever the God’s soul from his body.
A sect of humans that worshipped Alakoa and his vengeful edicts were tasked with using the now inert God’s body and spirit and forging them into a wicked blade to conquer the pantheon of Gods.
The blade, known as Godblood was infused with the bones, blood and soul of Tamank and has the ability to permanently damage any material it touches, rendering healing in any form impossible.
A list of former owners is kept by it’s current owner, Frank Russel
1: Alakoa The God Breaker- forged God Blood from the bones, blood and soul of a slain Demi God. It was lost in battle with another demi god over the volcanos near what is now called Center City.
2: Horlgaf the wicked- Found the blade on accident while him and his soldiers camped near the mouth of the volcano on their way to attack an enemy city. Horlgaf had the blade and won many battles with it until his son snuck into his room at night and killed him for it.
3: Gunrak the Vile- Horlgafs son and eventual conquerer of the entire center of the continent, Gunrak slew many in his quest to rule the world with an iron fist. He was brutally slain in his bed-during an uprising, angry villagers impaled him with large wooden spikes and took the sword.
4: Amon Brightstar- Eventual recipient of God Blood via the villagers, Amon was a righteous warrior, always fighting for the truth and his fellow man. He was butchered in his sleep by a jealous subordinate.
5: Kethkin the Betrayer- murdered Amon in his sleep, ending a years long revolt against the monarchy and for his efforts was granted rank of Lord. Kethkin treasured the blade and always had it with him, even in his sleep. Well, one day he grew incredibly tired and lie down without God Blood. His serf slashed his throat in his sleep and stole away the blade.
6: Arthur Pengin- Serf of Kethkin, grew fed up with the way Kethkin treated him and believed that the blade had something to do with his love for being terrible. Arthur slew him in his sleep and stole the blade to bury it somewhere safe. He found a suitable spot on the outskirts of the forests and buried it beneath the trees. The next day soldiers arrived at his home in the night and interrogated him but the young serf wouldn’t break. They skewered him and brought his body out to the town center for all to see, leaving him to rot for five weeks before pulling his body down
7: Frank Russel- Center City archaeologist, purveyor of ancient relics and massive nerd, frank found the blade in the forests beneath the trees almost 900 years after its burial. Frank keeps the sword on display in his 1 bedroom apartment along with his collection of anime related collectibles.
Indominus Thrax
Indominus Thrax is an alien adventurer from Adama 3, a hostile world infested with giant insect like creatures. He is a member of the Ceuron Race, a strange, ashen skinned race of bug like humanoids with super strength, endurance, and very tough melee weaponry. They are a very war like race with most of their history consisting of fighting giant bug monsters and each other.
Resides in Saint Therian
Thrax stands 9ft5 with long black insectoid wings, similar to a beetles. He has 2 short antennae rounded at the ends on either side of the head. His body is black and white with a tinge of blue.
He has humanoid limbs armored with a thick spiked carapace, his body is equipped for travel through space with different pressure sacks, temperature regulating enzymes and other enzymes that create oxygen and nutrients from the light of distant stars.
He can take a massive beating and deal one too.
His weapon of choice is a small dagger, passed down from warrior to warrior upon death as weapons are scarce on Adama 3 due to the massive wildlife devouring the Ceuron whole, weapons and all.
The Ceuron are lead by their queen who births them all, each one designed for a specific role. Thraxs role is to find a planet suitable for the Ceuron to escape to. There were only 3 of his caste born, which were all sent in the direction of far off planets.
The Ever Before
The Ever Before is a realm synonymous with decay and corruption. In this dark dimension life is suspended by decay, eternally rotting but never allowed to die.
Innumerable worlds have been consumed by The Ever Before, their diseased remains fester in the space between life and death.
Some mutants have the ability to tap into the Ever Before, others trade in sacrifices for a sliver of its power. All pay in the end.
The Hollow is a powerful entity born of The Ever before which seeks to expand its reaches across the galaxy using parasites that drive populations insane and interrupt their development, making it easier to consume them.
The ‘Maws’ are thought to be related to The Ever Before but no one knows for certain.
Raft City
Raft City sits on the east coast of the continent of Ciarak with its eastern side meeting the Meridian Ocean. It is divided into three Rings. The Inner, Outer and Middle Rings.
The Inner Ring is the smallest and is a bed for political corruption and corporate greed. It is made up of luxurious mansions and bright lights. It sits 800 feet higher than the rest of the city on a large plateau that requires mechanical assistance to reach. The politicians, the rich and the powerful reside here. Mayor Ronaldo runs the city with an iron fist. He owns the Raft City Police Department and has ties to all of the local gangs. The Inner Ring makes up 1.7% of the population.
The Middle Ring envelopes the Inner Ring. It is made up of commercial and industrial buildings, hospitals, military bases, power facilities and scientific research facilities. The Middle Ring makes up 24.5% of the population.
The Outer Ring is the largest Ring and is less than affectionately know as the Slums. There is a high population of mutants in The Slums and they are constantly harassed by the police. The people in the slums perform the hard labor jobs like waste management, mining, farming and the like. They live in poorly maintained apartment buildings and run down houses. The Outer Ring makes up 73.8% of the population.
(Concept Image made using Wonder AI)
West Andalia
West Andalia is a Neo-Tokyo like city located on the western coast of Adama 5’s central continent. West Andalia is protected by Berserker, a mountain of a mutant covered in muscles. Criminals began to leave West Andalia due to Berserker’s methods and it is currently the safest city on Adama 5 though the civilian population helps this by having a no nonsense culture and a sense of community that transcends much of the petty crime that takes place in other cities.
West Andalia’s chief exports are Computer Chips and fish, they provide 23% of Adama 5’s fish supply and 86% of all computer chips. They have many large factories dedicated to the production of computer chips which are run using hydro electric energy.
(Concept Image made using Wonder AI)
A modern landscape of skyscrapers, smog and pavement, Geopolis sits on the northwestern coast of the continent of Andalia. Geopolis is protected by the Mutant Enforcement and the mutants Blue Blur and Solarian. Geopolis’ chief export is Steel. There are 6 Steel Mills near the center of the city which altogether employ about 1/12th of Geopolis’ population. It is a fairly peaceful city and despite having lower tiered mutant protectors boasts one of the lowest crime rates on Adama 5.
Mutants make up 6% of the population and counting. The city is run by Mayor Danielle Rapaport, an avid advocate for mutant rights.
Samuel Richfellow
Samuel Richfellow, son of billionaire philanthropist Thomas Richfellow and his wife Lorraine Richfellow.
They live in a massive, beautiful mansion at the top of a large cliff overlooking the oceans to the south of New Salesville. Samuel is accustomed to the easy life that comes with his families’ wealth and has become a bit of a brat because of it though he has a good heart beneath it all. He is the owner of a peculiarly buff Hamster he likes to call “Hammy”.
Turtles are massive carrier ships created by Morhall Enterprises to assist in keeping the oceans safe from mutant threats.
They are fitted with ground to air missiles, torpedoes and have heavy armor plating capable of withstanding enemy torpedoes.
The Turtle is also equipped with several smaller fighter planes called that can be deployed from its hangar to protect the Turtle called Hornets. Hornets are small, agile fighter planes equipped with armor melting missiles and standard machine guns.
(Concept Image by Wonder AI)
Originally designed by Morhall Enterprises to be a troop transport the Corvid became a mobile intel and tactical base used by the A5IA, Adama 5 Intelligence Agency. It can stay in flight for days at a time and can be refueled while in the air.
The Corvid boasts the most advanced radar, sonar and tracking equipment know to Adama 5. It also carries a jammer that causes nearby radar to malfunction.
The Corvid has several missile types for every situation and will generally have a payload of at least one WMD. They also carry highly secretive and highly illegal anti mutant weaponry.
Aboard the Corvid are hundreds of military personnel, each highly trained and disciplined. They are some of the best and brightest soldiers on Adama 5. Due to its stellar personnel The Corvid has been used in many active military operations with a %100 success rate as a mobile headquarters and tactical base.
The Corvid is accompanied by 6 Hornets (Small, agile fighter planes) and 2 Dragons (Large, heavily armored bombers equipped for destruction.)
(Concept Image by Wonder AI)
Dragons are large war planes designed by Morhall Enterprises.
The upper section serves as a wind catcher that forces the air up into the wings, creating a layer of high velocity wind that can keep the plane in flight for long periods without the use of fuel.
Its strange design and size also helps to intimidate enemies while in the sky.
The Dragon has 2 powerful cannons on either side of its hull that are capable of leveling city blocks. They also have turrets that can deploy from below the hull, allowing them to fight off smaller enemy units from any direction.
Near the front of the Dragon on the lower section are 2 missile launchers that fire anti air missiles with state of the art homing capabilities that open before hitting their targets, releasing 20 smaller missiles that spread like fireworks.
It also carries napalm rockets to coincide with its fire breathing inspiration.
(Concept Image by Wonder AI)